AJA's Blast Windows are part of our family of security windows which includes our bulletproof windows and security film system and our family of blast facades and protective cladding that includes our blast curtain wall and cable catcher system. This family of products is available under our range of blast mitigation solutions for your organization.
About Blast Windows
A blast window aims to create a blast resistant and blast proof building facade that is resilient to blasts and explosions. It is designed to minimize the risk of injury that can result from projecticles caused by shattered glass in the event of an explosion in addition to minimizing blast damage to your structure especially the building facade. Glass fragmentation is the largest cause of blast injury and blast windows help greatly reduce or even eliminate this risk by being anti-shatter and blast resistant. Our blast windows are built with our very own patented ENERZORB technology in order to utilize the latest and most modern blast protection technology available. Blast Windows are an essential blast protection tool necessary in order to make your structure a safe and secure environment for your people and protect your building facade. It can be used to secure critical infrastructure sites or sensitive locations like embassies, Government offices or petrochemical plants.
All of our blast windows are subjected to rigorous testing and certification. This product has gone through compliance with stringent international Blast Mitigation Test Protocols such as GSATS01-2003, ASTM F1642, and ISO 16933:2007. It can withstand a blast pressure of 10psi and a blast impluse of 111psi-ms. This blast mitigation system is also crafted with elegant aesthetic and designed with high functionality in mind and can be customized to meet your specific organization needs and environment.
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Do contact us in order to get a quotation for your very own customized blast windows.